
Country Title Period Donor Agency Lead Partner
Albania Study on Implementation of Shared Functions in the Local Government Level 2015 OSCE EuroPartners Development
Albania Development of the Functional Area Programme for Kukes Municipality and 14 communes 2014-2015 Swiss Cooperation EuroPartners Development
Albania Overall Assessment of the Anti-corruption Framework in Albania (ACFA) 2014-2015 EU Humelica Consulting International
Tanzania Capacity Building of Culture Programme Grantees in ROM and PFM 2014-2015 EU Humelica Consulting International
Albania "Our Right to Ask .....Our Right to Know" 2013-2015 Embassy of the Netherlands EuroPartners Development
Albania Reporting on Internal Market and European Standards issues related to Acquis Chapters 2013-2014 EU EPRD Poland
Western Balkan Thematic evaluation of EU's support to civil society in the Western Balkans (AL, BiH, CRO, FYROM, KOS, MON, SRB) and Turkey 2013 EU Humelica Consulting International
Albania Enhancing transparency and information on Local Government services delivery in Vlora and Kukes 2012-2013 OSFA Foundation EuroPartners Development
Albania Establishment of Local Action Groups and Albanian National Rural Organizations Network 2011-2013 SNV - Albania EuroPartners Development
Albania Civil society consultation and preparation of draft Guidelines for Applicants for next EIDHR 2011 EU EuroPartners Development
Albania Mapping of Participatory Monitoring in Albanian and Kosovo 2011 Olaf Palme Center EuroPartners Development
Albania Enhancing transparency and information on Local Government services delivery in Puka and Lushnja 2010-2011 OSFA Foundation EuroPartners Development
Western Balkan, Turkey Evaluation of EU's Support to Civil Society in the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Kosovo, Serbia, Turkey) 2010-2011 EU Humelica Consulting International
Albania Freedom of Information Framework in Albania 2009-2011 World Bank EuroPartners Development
Western Balkan, Turkey TACSO Project - Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations 2009-2013 EU SIPU International (Sweden)
Albania Support to Strengthening the Judicial System in Albania 2008-2010 Spanish Agency for Cooperation EuroPartners Development
Albania Increase the Capacities of NGOs towards future Sustainability 2008-2010 EU EuroPartners Development
Albania Encouraging further Transparency, Public Access to Information at Local Level EU EuroPartners Development
Albania Evaluation of CARDS assistance to Albania 2001-2006 2008 EU COWI (Denmark)
Albania Management and Coordination of External Assistance for the Government of Albania 2007 UNDP