Civil society consultation and preparation of draft Guidelines for Applicants for next EIDHR
Starting Date:
Ending Date:
Donor agency:
Lead Partner:
EuroPartners Development
Detailed description of the project:
The objective is to provide the EU Delegation to Albania with technical assistance for the dissemination of CBSS-related information to civil society, for enhancing information on civil society and for the preparation of the draft Guidelines for grant applicants.
Specific activities:
- Study all relevant CBSS- and Call for Proposals-related documents, including country strategy documents and any other relevant documents provided by the Delegation;
- Review the main human rights concerns in the country, as set out in EU documents and reports, and taking account of the broadest possible range of other sources (including, but not limited to, international and national human rights organizations, United Nations, international community, local academic community, the media, etc.);
- Organize, 5 consultation/information sessions in Tirana, Shkodra, Vlora, Kukes and Korça. to: provide information to potential applicants on the EIDHR programme; collect information on the perceived need of the civil society sector to tackle human rights violations, both orally and in written form (e.g. questionnaire to be completed by participants); collect information on the areas of expertise and administrative capacities of participating civil society organizations
- Produce the draft Guidelines for Applicants for the CBSS call for proposals (2012-2013, including draft priority areas and indicative list of eligible activities identified during the consultation process;