Overall Assessment of the Anti-corruption Framework in Albania (ACFA)
Starting Date:
Ending Date:
Donor agency:
Lead Partner:
Humelica Consulting International
Detailed description of the project:
Overall objective The overall objective of this project is to develop a gap analysis of the anti-corruption framework in Albania, in order to prepare better for EU membership, and to pave the basis for an improved anti-corruption system and more effective policies and interventions.
Specific Objective:
- Identification of shortcomings within the legal and institutional anti-corruption framework in Albania
- Identification of shortcomings regarding the efficiency of investigations
- Identification of measures to improve the performance of law enforcement bodies, the High
- Inspectorate of Declaration and Audit of Assets and other relevant institutions
- Identification of mechanisms to improve cooperation among law enforcement bodies, the
- High Inspectorate of Declaration and Audit of Assets and other relevant institutions
- Identification of measures to improve the quality of statistics in the field of anti-corruption
Type of services provided:
- In-depth analysis of anti-corruption legislature (including legislation on political party financing, anti-corruption provisions in vulnerable areas, immunity regimes, access to information, among others)
- Assessment of the institutions involved in anti-corruption activities, related to Statutory position, mandate and rules of procedure; Resources (quantity and quality (training and skills) of staff); Independence; Cooperation mechanisms with other institutions/inter-agency cooperation; Statistical reporting procedures; Internal and external audit; Oversight mechanisms; Administrative transparency and accountability; Management of institution's budget; Results of their work (number of reported cases and/or investigations and/or convictions)
- Assessment of the course of corruption cases that originated by citizen complaints