Thematic evaluation of EU's support to civil society in the Western Balkans (AL, BiH, CRO, FYROM, KOS, MON, SRB) and Turkey
Western Balkan
Starting Date:
Ending Date:
Donor agency:
Lead Partner:
Humelica Consulting International
Detailed description of the project:
The overall objective of the project was to provide findings and recommendations to assist the Enlargement Directorate General of the European Commission (DG ELARG) in the programming and implementation of EU pre-accession assistance to support civil society in candidate and potential candidate countries with a view of improving the instruments available to respond best to policy objectives and improve performance of financial assistance.
Specific objectives:
- Providing an assessment of the intervention logic of EU assistance to support civil society in the Western Balkans and Turkey.
- Providing a judgment on the performance (either actual or expected)of assistance, particularly as regards its relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability.
- Providing relevant operational recommendations for: (a) programming future EU assistance and (b) outline corrective measures, where applicable, to improve the implementation and monitoring of ongoing actions.
Type of services provided:
- Making recommendations and concrete proposals on definition of objectives and related SMART indicators to facilitate measurements of performance and design of future support to civil society
- Evaluating the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness,impact and sustainability of financial assistance
- Providing relevant recommendations to improve performance of this assistance where appropriate
- Outlining corrective measures where applicable on the way assistance is implemented and monitored.