Social Development

Country Title Period Donor Agency Lead Partner
Albania Equity and Transparency in School Infrastructure Interventions 2024-2024 USAID UNICEF
Albania Digital Jobs Albania 2021-2022 World Bank Learnio (Denmark)
Albania Albanian Youth for EU Integration 2019-2020 EU EuroPartners Development
Albania Communication Campaign of Friendly Wi-Fi Albania 2019-2020 UNICEF EuroPartners Development
Albania TA to support the development of an exit strategy for Social Assistance beneficiaries 2019 World Bank EuroPartners Development
Albania Organization of the ‘Run against Corruption’ in the framework of the ‘Week of Integrity’ 2019-2020 European Union AECOM, Netherlands
Albania TA for Implementation of the Communications Campaign activities for Social Assistance reforms 2018 World Bank EuroPartners Development
Albania Define the costs of non-investment in education in Albania 2016-2017 UNICEF EuroPartners Development
Albania Design and Implementation of Process Evaluation for Pilot Phase for NE reforms 2014-2015 World Bank EuroPartners Development
Albania Support for Implementation of the Plan of Measures related to non-discrimination on the Basis of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity 2013 Swedish Government COWI Denmark
Albania Support for the Government of Albania's participation in Union Programmes EU Humelica
Albania YES!+ Youth Empowerment and Skills Workshop 2008 IAHV/EPD EuroPartners Development