TA for Implementation of the Communications Campaign activities for Social Assistance reforms
The overall Project Objective was to support the Ministry of Health and Social Protection (MHSP) in the communications and outreach activities to promote awareness, understanding and acceptance of the reforms of Ndihma Ekonomike (NE) Program, with a focus on consulting and communicating with beneficiaries, former beneficiaries and the general public.
The Project Purpose was to organise a nation-wide communication and awareness campaign of communicating the upcoming nationwide roll out the NE reforms and their rationale in the 12 regions of Albania was foreseen to be conducted throughout the preparation and implementation of the nationwide implementation of the NE reforms.
The project consisted of two inter-related components: (i) strengthening and implementation of social assistance programs, (ii) technical assistance to strengthen implementation capacity for social assistance programs. Specifically, the first project component would support improved implementation of the Ndihma Ekonomike program as well as disability assistance benefits, in main areas, as follows: (a) program parameters (eligibility criteria and intake processes), (b) benefits administration (business processes, management of information and payment mechanisms, and reporting and monitoring); (c) oversight and controls.