Technical Assistance for Union Programmes in Albania

Sustainable Development
Starting Date: 
Ending Date: 
Donor agency: 
ICE Belgium and DADA6 Estonia
Lead Partner: 
Humelica Consulting International
Detailed description of the project: 
The overall objective of the project is to support strengthening of capacities of Albanian institutions to participate in Union Programmes.
This is a Capacity Building project which will aim the following results:
  • Ministry of European Integration (MEI) enhanced capacities to coordinate and prioritise Albania’s involvement in Union Programmes;
  • The MEI, relevant ministries / agencies (MEI, MEDTTE, MES, MIPA, ARTI, MC, MSWY, ACA and GDT) and their support structures have improved capacities of staff for managing Union Programmes; networking at national, EU and international level; improved capacities for dissemination of information on Union Programmes.
  • Know-how transferred to the relevant Albanian public administration institutions and programme stakeholders.
  • Potential national stakeholders enhanced capacities to apply to calls for proposals launched by relevant Union Programmes.
Type of services provided:
  • Strengthen management capacities of Albanian institutions involved in Union Programs and increase their ownership of the process
    • Support coordination between the three levels of management: MEI and institutions responsible for each UP. 
    • Strengthen the network of National Contact Points through support in preparing guidelines, mentoring, trainings, information sessions, workshops, needs assessment 
    • Increase capacities of beneficiaries to set up “help-desks”, where not present
    • Enhance performance of already existing NCP and Help Desks (info days, trainings, personal consultations, etc) by promoting awareness and use to create demand for their services
    • Organise workshops/information sessions for the relevant institutions and structures to improve their performance.
  • Strengthen partnership and networking capacities of beneficiaries to take a more pro-active role in relation to relevant UP and increase visibility
    • Strengthen networking capacities in Albania and abroad
    • Organize thematic workshops for the UP
    • Conduct in-house training for beneficiaries and applicants
    • Organize information sessions for the UP
    • Organize networking tours in Brussels for Albanian institutions 
  • Capacity building to successfully apply and manage UP
    • Prepare guidelines, guidebooks, assessments
    • Organize thematic trainings and workshops on preparing successful proposals, submission and management