Supporting Development of Local Action Groups (LAGs) in Rural Areas in Albania (LEADER Approach)

Economic and Regional Development
Starting Date: 
Ending Date: 
Donor agency: 
World Bank
Lead Partner: 
EuroPartners Development
Detailed description of the project: 

The overall objective of the project is to support rural and forestry development in Albania through strengthen local capacities to apply LEADER approach through LAGs.

This overall objective will be implemented through reaching the following specific objectives:

  • Establishment and operation of prototype LAGs for ensuring sustainable management of natural resources and development of rural areas;
  • Provision of support to rural communities in increasing their quality of life and improving sustainability of natural resources through local initiatives supported by the local development strategies;
  • Building of community and rural development capacities of the pilot areas in implementation of LEADER approach;
  • Building of policy dialogue for preserving natural resources, provision of environmental services;
  • Ensuring sustainable development of rural areas in Albania through a regional integrated multi-sectorial approach;
  • Contributing to poverty reduction