Support to Promotion of "Green Business"

Albania / Kosovo
Economic and Regional Development
Starting Date: 
Ending Date: 
Donor agency: 
Lead Partner: 
Detailed description of the project: 

Detailed description of project
The general objective of the action is to promote the development of green small businesses in the target cross-border area.

The project’s specific objectives are:
• To promote the startup of green small businesses
• To promote greening of existing businesses
• To promote and disseminate green biz expertise and
• Set up of green business support infrastructure

Project established an local Green Business assistance office in Kukes Municipality which served to the business community (new and running business) and combined several working methods including:

  • Meetings: 6 joint cross border workshops in both countries with the participation of 120 stakeholders and 2 stakeholders meetings in Albania where all interested actors discussed to find new paths towards becoming green.
  • Capacity building. 5 trainings were organized in Albania targeting the 15 local consultants as well as 45 targeted businesses and about 20 relevant local stakeholders with the main purpose to increase they knowledge, understanding and skills in applying the green business principles in their work on the areas of
    • Organic agriculture
    • Sustainable forestry management;
    • Ecotourism;
    • Applying the EU/ international standards in food processing.
  • Direct assistance. 45 businesses were assisted in developing green practices, to evaluate their actual status and proceed with identification of interventions that bring them toward greening their business. Hands on approach and frequent meetings to assist their better understanding of the green principles.