Support to the Ministry of Economy Phase 2

Good Governance
Starting Date: 
Ending Date: 
Donor agency: 
World Bank
Lead Partner: 
EuroPartners Development
Detailed description of the project: 

Overall objective:

In the framework of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) to facilitate the EU/international trade and investment opportunities in Albania by increasing the quality and safety of Albanian products

Specific Objectives:

  • To increase the safety of products on the Albanian market
  • To reinforce the regulatory capacities of METE (Ministry of Economy Trade and Energy)
  • To foster the approximation of technical legislation
  • To increase consumer protection at both governmental and consumers associations levels.

Results achieved:

  1. The Market Surveillance Department of METE was organised, staffed and trained in such a way that it can face its responsibilities and efficiently perform its tasks
    New Approach Directives
  2. In accordance with the NPAA, Draft Council of Minister Decisions transposing the provisions of the EU directives below were ready for adoption by the Council of Ministers: [LIST: CUT FOR SHORT VERSION]
    89/686/EEC Personal protective equipment (PPE)
    98/37/EC Machinery
    90/384/EEC Non-automatic weighing instruments
    90/396/EEC Appliances burning gaseous fuels
    92/42/EEC Efficiency requirements for new hot-water boilers fired with liquid or gaseous fuels
    93/15/EEC Explosives for civil uses
    94/9/EC ATEX
    95/16/EC Lifts
    2000/9/EC Cableway
    2004/22/EC Measuring instruments
    94/62/EC Packaging and packaging waste
    96/57/EC Energy efficiency requirements for household electric refrigerators, freezers and combinations thereof
    1999/36/EC Transportable pressure equipment
    2000/14/EC Noise emission in the environment by equipment for use outdoors
    2000/55/EC Energy efficiency requirements for ballasts for fluorescent lighting
    Old Approach Directives
  3. Old Approach Directives related to product groups Textile, Wood, Footwear, Glass, Detergents, Chemicals (restrictions on the marketing, classification, packaging) as referred to in the “pink book” were transposed into national Albanian legislation.
    Market Surveillance
  4. The General Technical Inspectorate is capable to carry out effective market surveillance for the groups of products referred to in result 2
    Consumer Protection
  5. The existing law on Consumer Protection was made applicable and enforceable
  6. Legal and administrative procedures and mechanisms for efficient Consumer Protection were put in place


Type of services provided

Technical assistance:

  • Implement an adequate market surveillance system
  • Capacity building for consumer protection authorities / associations
  • Close cooperation with identified local consumers association and consumers
  • Training in directives management
  • Public awareness activities.