Policy Advice for NSDI Monitoring and Implementation
Good Governance
Starting Date:
Ending Date:
Donor agency:
World Bank
Lead Partner:
Detailed description of the project:
The goal of this project is to improve the functioning of the full policy cycle in Albania, under the umbrella of Integrated Planning system.
The objectives of project include provision of support to the Department for Strategic and Donors Coordination, in the Council of Ministers of on:
- Development of effective implementation mechanisms for National Strategy for Development and Integration and sector strategies;
- Preparation for meeting EU candidate status planning requirements;
- Implementation of a results-based monitoring and evaluation system that supports NSDI and sector strategy implementation;
- enhancing civil society participation in the planning and monitoring process; and institutionalizing the Integrated Planning System within the legal framework.
- Building capacity of DSDC staff to implement existing NSDI responsibilities and contribute to planned process improvements through mentoring and other training activities (ongoing).
- Assist DSDC staff to implement a results-based monitoring system for NSDI and sector strategies;
- Develop and test a methodology for introducing policy, fiscal and regulatory impact assessments (RIA) across government;
- Identify the strategic planning requirements (e.g., Strategic Coherence Framework) for candidate status countries and to prepare in advance for the preparation of these documents (begin in Fall 2009);