Municipalities for Europe (Phase I)
Good Governance
Starting Date:
Ending Date:
Donor agency:
Lead Partner:
EPRD Poland
Detailed description of the project:
The overall objective is to strengthen the municipal's EU related governance capacities and reach out to Albanian citizens and Albanian local administrations with information about the EU, its policies, programs and funds. The purposes of the project are as follows:
- To assisting all the municipalities of Albania to strengthen their knowledge and governance capacity on EU related matters;
- To assisting the Agency for Support to Local Government and Albanian School of Public Administration in their functions vis-a-vis the local government units on EU related matters;
- To further increase the awareness on the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) and other relevant EU funds available to Albanian municipalities and citizens, and their capacity to benefit through trainings on how to conceptualise, design projects and file applications;
- To further increase municipal capacity to receive, absorb, and spread EU related information, relevant both for the public as well as for its administration, in synergy with multipliers and other interested parties, in particular the Europe House and the EU Member States;
- To further increase municipal capacity to gather, both from the public and its administration, process, and feedback information that can improve its performance on EU related matters and inform Albanian Government, EU and international partners' programming and future actions;
The main activities under this project relate to the provision of the following services:
- Assist 61 municipalities to establish EU units and to perform their duties effectively and efficiently;
- Assist the Agency for Support of Self-Government, to effectively lead the process of municipalities engagement on EU integration processes;
- Disseminate tailor made information on the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) and other relevant EU funds and programs available for Albanian municipalities and citizens;
- 34 trainings organized on how to benefit from IPA and other relevant EU funds, on EU policies and Management of EU Units
- 10 E-learning modules produced are to be widely used for training other interested parties.
Support EU units in organizing local community events on EU related matters:
- 423 small events organized
- Wide dissemination of EU related information and events through the internet web page as well as MfE “BE ne qytetin tim” Facebook,
- Production of 4 MfE newsletter for the external communication.
Support the EU Delegation in the implementation of information and communication activities, including events and campaigns:
- Two rounds of EU Municipality Tour organized with 120 open public events organized in 61 municipalities
- “Municipality Progress on EU Integration Process, 2017, 2018, 2019 Reports developed and disseminated electronically and in 3000 copies
- 6 leaflets on different topics related to role of LGUs in EU integration process, EU Desk, Illegal Migration etc developed. 15,000 copies produced, including electronic dissemination
- 5 Video Spots produced TL = 600 WDs , KEY Experts = 590 WDs, Pool of Experts =790 WDs, Event Management Experts 390 WDs, 50 event speakers