Legal Advice to the Albanian National Agency for Information Society NAIS

Good Governance
Starting Date: 
Ending Date: 
Donor agency: 
World Bank
Lead Partner: 
EWC (Belgium)
Detailed description of the project: 

Provide support to the newly established Albanian National Agency for Information Society NAIS to review and exam the following draft-laws that NAIS and other GoA institutions will have prepared: (i) Amendments to the Penal Code in order to implement the international convention on Cybercrime; (ii) Law on Electronic Documents; (iii) Law on Public Information; (iii) Legal Framework E Commerce; (iv) Law on Personal Data Protection (existing law compatibility check),

The draft laws are reviewed and examined on the basis of the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime and legal analysis and EU compatibility checks on all draft pieces of legislation and transposition of Acquis, is ensured.

The specific Objectives are:

  • To check the compatibility of the draft/approved laws, with the EU rules and regulations;
  • In close collaboration with NAIS staff to conduct compatibility check;
  • Transfer know-how Acquis Communautaire;
  • Public consultation with all stakeholders;
  • Suggest the impact of the implementation of the above mentioned laws with the overall legal infrastructure in Albania (amendments to existing laws).

Type of services provided

Certify the compliance with the acquis communautaire proposed draft laws;

  • Organisation of 3 roundtables with stakeholders
  • Organise a Study tour staff of NAIS on ICT
  • Organise a National Conference on ICT

The Local Expert = 50 WDs