Assisting Mat, Dibër, Shkodër and Malësi e Madhe municipalities for preparing CBC Projects
Good Governance
Starting Date:
Ending Date:
Donor agency:
Swiss Government
Lead Partner:
EuroPartners Development
Detailed description of the project:
The overall objective of the assignment is to assist and coach the partner municipalities, which are eligible under IPA CBC Albania - Macedonia and IPA CBC Albania - Montenegro to develop and to write down a concept note for the first call of proposal IPA CBC with Macedonia and the full project proposal for IPA CBC with Montenegro.
Mat, Dibër, Shkodër and Malësi e Madhe municipalities have been willing to access grant support through its pre-identified projects in the area of social and economic infrastructure projects. Furthermore, these municipalities are willing to make use of this opportunity to apply under IPA CBCs in order to raise fund for implementing any of the projects identified within FAP document.
Type of services provided
• Reviewing FAP documents and giving recommendations to Mat and
Dibër Municipalities and DLDP for selecting any project within this document,
which might be eligible for the call for proposals IPA CBC Macedonia (September 2016).
• Undertaking few field visits to identify potential partners from the neighboring area of Macedonia (October 2016).
• Involving interested co-applicants to define roles, activities and responsibilities and coaching them through the entire process (October 2016).
• Writing down the concept note and handling it over to the municipality of Mat and Dibër (and DLDP) last week of October 2016.
• Supporting the municipalities of Shkodër and Malësi e Madhe to write the full project proposal if their concept notes are selected in the first round.