Support preparations for Bilateral Screening in the Accession Negotiations of Albania with EU in Internal Market Cluster and Chapter 20 “ Enterprise and Idustrial Policy”
The overall objective of the project is to support and strengthen relevant Albanian Institution and Inter-Institutional Working Groups (IIWGs) dealing with economic criteria Cluster 2 and Chapter 20 of Cluster 3 for the forthcoming screening and accession negotiations processes.
The specific objectives are:
- Support to Albanian Institutions and IIWGs in preparations for Bilateral Screening Meeting (BSM) in the accession negotiations of Albania with EU for the Internal Market Cluster and Chapter 20 ‘’ Enterprise and Industrial Policy’’.
- Support to Albanian Institutions and IIWGs in preparing responses to EU Commission questionnaires and in preparing negotiating positions or improving already prepared positions and in responding to/commenting on the respective screening reports.
The following activities are being supported by the project;
Provide technical expertise for the preparation of presentations for Bilateral Screening Meetings of Albania with EU in Chapters 1,2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 20 and 28 of the acquis and ensure the quality of presentations both in terms of content and format.
Provide Coaching sessions to IIWGs on how to approach the preparation of presentations, advising on the topics to be covered in the presentations, including their grouping, based on ESM agendas and the EU Commission’s ESM presentations for all the Chapters under Cluster 2 and Chapter 20.
Support and delivering coaching sessions for the preparation of mock exercises (simulations) for BSM for chapters of Internal Market Cluster and Chapter 20
Support and provide technical expertise to the preparation of responses to the relevant EU Commission questionnaire for BMS in Cluster 2 chapters and chapter 20
Support and provide technical expertise to IIWGs for commenting and responding to screening reports for chapter under Cluster 2 and Chapter 20
Quality assurance and coaching sessions for preparing and commenting of responses for screening reports on the selected chapters
Provide technical expertise and hands on support in preparing the BSM in Cluster 2 chapter and Chapter 20.