Capacity development in the field of policy development and coordination

Good Governance
Starting Date: 
Ending Date: 
Donor agency: 
Lead Partner: 
Detailed description of the project: 
The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the improvement of policy development in Kosovo with the aim of achieving transparent government decisions based on the administration’s professional judgement, an enhanced consultation process, and legal conformity.
To contribute to the overall objective the following general outcomes are foreseen:
  1. Improved process for policy development and coordination, including better supporting documents and provision of competence development.
  2. Improved performance regarding policy coordination and policy scrutiny function at the OPM.
  3. Improved policy development capacity at the line ministries.
  4. Adequate staff levels within the OPM in charge with policy development, coordination and scrutiny.
Specifically the objectives of the intervention are to:
  • Improve the policy development framework, including guidelines and manuals, ensuring that it includes public consultations and qualitative forms of policy analysis 
  • Improve the policy development, coordination and scrutiny functions at the OPM by developing a forward planning based on policy priorities and strategic plans developed by line ministries within the GCS in close collaboration with the Strategic Planning Office (SPO)
  • Increase the capacity at the line ministries to improve their input into the policy making process
  • Improve communication on the policy development framework

Type of services provided

  • Support OPM to continuously increase its capacity for policy development and coordination.
  • Provide on-going support to OPM for successful project implementation, monitoring and assessment using Results Based Management.
  • Continuously assess the progress of capacity development of the OPM and other involved actors.
  • Assess the effectiveness of the support, and if relevant propose risk mitigation measures to the cooperation partners, OPM and Sweden.
  • Provide advice and support to GCS staff to continuously increase their capacity for policy development and coordination, including: coaching ministries; formulation of policy documents; assessing economic impacts; and scrutinizing policy papers. 
  • In close collaboration with GCS representatives analyze and revise the current manuals, guidelines and procedures for policy development and provide recommendations for further improvements to address shortcomings based on the lessons learned during the first years of implementation of the policy development process and in particular development of concept documents and decisions accompanied by an explanatory memorandum.
  • In close collaboration with GCS representatives develop the training module on policy development.
  • Conduct Training of Trainers (ToT) training for the OPM staff.