Preparation of terms of reference and technical specifications in the areas of Public Administration Reform and Public Finance

Good Governance
Starting Date: 
March 2018
Ending Date: 
December 2018
Donor agency: 
Lead Partner: 
IBFConsulting International
Detailed description of the project: 

The global objective of the assignment is to contribute to the regularity and the conformity with the Practical Guide to contract procedures for EU external actions, of the tendering of IPA assistance, aiming to increase the impact and the efficiency of EU funding in PAR and PFM areas.

The  specific objective  of  this  assignment  is  to  provide  with  independent  expertise  for tendering of the contracts financed by IPA.  This includes preparation and/or review of tender dossiers, in particular terms of reference and technical specifications, for the service and supply projects in the PAR and PFM sectors, to be financed under IPA 2017 and IPA 2018 programmes.

The Contractor, based on the specific requests submitted by the EU Delegation in Skopje acting as contracting authority of this contract, shall:

  • Prepare and/or review of the technical specifications of the supply contracts in cooperation with  the  national  authorities  and  the  EU  Delegation. The contractor  will  verify  the technical specifications for the supply contracts and the accompanying market surveys (budgets). While executing these tasks, the contractor may be invited to participate in meetings with the EUD staff, beneficiary institutions or other project stakeholders.
  • Prepare and/or review of the terms of references for the service contracts in cooperation with the national authorities and the  EU Delegation. While executing these tasks, the contractor may be  invited  to  participate  in meetings with the  EUD  staff, beneficiary institutions or other project stakeholders.