Support for Strategic Planning Office on Economic Reform Program and National Development Strategy

Good Governance
Economic and Regional Development
Starting Date: 
Ending Date: 
Donor agency: 
Humelica Consulting International, IBF Consulting International
Lead Partner: 
IBF Consulting International
Detailed description of the project: 
The overall objective is to improve policy implementation at the centre of government, by establishing a strong link between the macroeconomic and fiscal scenario, the structural reform agenda, establishing monitoring and reporting framework of the National Development Strategy 2016-2021 (NDS) and Economic Reform Programme.
  • Support to the OPM/SPO, MoF and line ministries in the process of outlining implementation arrangements of the National Development Strategy and ensuring that they are presented into the annual work plan of the government and the Economic Reform Programme. (ERP)
  • Support the National ERP Coordinator and its coordination structures towards improving the link between the macroeconomic and fiscal scenario and the structural reform agenda.
Component 1:  (i) Support to the functioning of decision making and coordination structure at centre of government and line ministries (to be established) to avoid fragmentation and duplication between the government’s core policy and financial planning processes;(ii) Review the current state of NDS / ERP operationalization and identify gaps and priorities with a view to have detailed plans for ERP’s items requiring reporting on implementation already in 2016; (iii) Provide hands on support to finalise the NDS implementation roadmap, which will serve to inform decision making on budget planning and annual work plans; (iv) Review linkage between NDS/ERP and European Reform Agenda priorities included as part of high level dialogue between the Government of Kosovo and the European Commission and ensure coherence between the documents. 
Component 2: (i) Support refining proposed ERP structural reform priorities to ensure consistency with other documents, including also hands on support to line ministries for costing of reform measures, and their integration in the fiscal framework; (ii) Support line ministries in identification and prioritisation of measures to be included in ERP and assessment of the costing of priorities; (iii) Undertake costing of measures and assist the SPO and relevant line ministries to prepare budget priority statements and submissions containing NDS / ERP priorities; (iii) Support SPO / MEI / line ministries to identify gaps in NDS / ERP implementation where technical assistance other than IPA II actions is strategically important.  
Component 2: (i) Assist in strengthening the monitoring of NDS and ERP through better linkage with Annual Work Plan of the Government and Midterm Expenditure Framework/Annual Budget; (ii) Support the SPO and relevant line ministries to prepare methodology to be followed during the course of monitoring the implementation of NDS and ERP for 2016 and 2017; (iii) Support the SPO and line ministries in monitoring and reporting progress of implementation of NDS and ERP measures; (iii) Assist in reporting about implementation of NDS and ERP measures in the Government’s annual report and in the policy dialogue between the EU and Kosovo (ERP discussion).