Enhansing stakeholders capacities for participation in the EU regional cooperation programs
The overall objective of the project is to enhance the cooperation among local beneficiaries in the bordering regions of Albania to, successfully participate in opportunities offered by the cross border programmes with Western Balkans and raise awareness on European Union Regional Policies in the regions of Elbasan, Korca, Kukesi, Fier, Lezha and Dibra. Location of the action are Albania, Montenegro and Macedonia. The specific objectives of the project are:
- To raise the awareness of different stakeholders in matters related to European Regional cooperation policies.
- To raise the awareness on the cross border programmes with the Western Balkan countries.
- To support networks’ and partnership building among different CSOs and NGOs in the bordering areas of Albania and other neighboring countries.
- Increase the capacities of the local stakeholders through sharing ideas and knowledge on the cross border programme
Activities organised:
1. Information and Partnership Day between the NGOs of Albania and Montengero for the IPA CBC CfP AL-MN 2010
2. Information and Partnership Day between the NGOS of fYROM and Albania IPA CBC CfP AL-MK 2010
3. Development of the Partner Search Database for Albanian organisations
4. Traning to the local organisations on how to access funds under the IPA Cross Border Cooperation Programmes
5. Development of the Manual on how to prepare a sound CBC project proposal